K Stol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (... skipping (1) and (2) ...)

>> 3) Threads

> Is 'the underlying model' the implementation of the OS running parrot (as
> oppposed to a self-made system,

On Linux there are many threading libs. E.g. pth (GNU portable threads)
and pthread (POSIX threads). The latter has kernel support and does
preemptive scheduling and can use multiprocessors, while the former is
userland only, one process for all threads.
But I can imagine, that there is also a configure options to select a
threading lib.

> So when the above is true, then that means that Parrot threads will have a
> bit different behaviour on each diff. OS (assuming each OS has a somewhat
> different impl. of thread scheduling), doesn't it?

Yep. But when it comes to multithreading you can't assume the same
behavior on e.g. single or multiprocessor systems anway.

> Klaas-Jan


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