Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Simon Glover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I'm getting failures in tests 1 & 2 in t/pmc/io.t; however, both tests
> >  seem to run fine if I run them in the debugger.
> valgrind does indicate, that there are unitialized items in many
> parts of io_buf.c.

Can you tell me more about this. I know some parts code, but I still
did not manage to get valgrind running on my mashine.

> (I don't know, if these tests even should use the bufferd IO layer, but
> there is for sure something wrong there)

At the moment the default is to use the buffered IO. The pushing and
popping of IO-Layers did not already made it to io.ops.

> The arbitrary failures come from uninitialized memory.

I try to look into this.
Juergen Boemmels                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fachbereich Physik                      Tel: ++49-(0)631-205-2817
Universitaet Kaiserslautern             Fax: ++49-(0)631-205-3906
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