Dan Sugalski wrote:

Unfortunately given what the code does we can't use mutexes, since they're not interrupt-safe, which I'm not particularly happy about. The queues in question are thread-specific, though, which takes some of the danger out of things. I fully expect to have to do more work than just disabling optimizations to disable reordering to make this function right everywhere. (I know, I know, platform-independent interrupt code is just not doable, but...)

Hmm, I don't think the issue is that mutexes aren't interrupt-safe, I think the issue is that if an interrupt routine is reentered it may already be holding a mutex and therefore self-deadlock. The Solaris attributes(5) manpage says this about Async-Signal-Safe routines (which I believe is what you are trying to do):

           Async-Signal-Safe refers to  particular  library  rou-
           tines that can be safely called from a signal handler.
           A thread that is executing an  Async-Signal-Safe  rou-
           tine will not deadlock with itself if interrupted by a
           signal. Signals are only a problem  for  MT-Safe  rou-
           tines that acquire locks.

           Signals  are  disabled  when  locks  are  acquired  in
           Async-Signal-Safe  routines.  This  prevents  a signal
           handler that might acquire the same  lock  from  being

Personally, I'd much prefer to use platform-provided interrupt-safe queueing mechanisms, and we will in those places where it's available. I know it *is* available on VMS, and *isn't* available on OS X and Linux. I'm also very painfully aware of some of the issues that need to be dealt with for processors with internal read and write reordering, which isn't anywhere near fun to deal with. (Well, OK, it is, but I'm weird that way)

What I'd really like is a nice, portable, insqti/remqhi implementation, but barring that (since I'm not going to get it) something as close as possible.

I suggest you disable signals during the queue operations, take out the lock, do the work, drop the lock then reenable signals.

Alan Burlison

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