On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:09:34PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 11:43 PM +0200 6/29/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> >Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >[ stack implementations ]
> >
> >Well... we only really have three.
> >
> >Control, User & Pad have the same stack engine. The register backing 
> >stacks and rxstack sum up to 5 more.
> The integer stack's separate on purpose, as it's supposed to be a
> high-speed thing for the regex engine to use, at least for the most
> part.

The integer stack is fairly useless for a complete regex engine. It
prevents reentrancy and complicates some of the trickier things that
need to be done in regexes. We can drop it anytime, and instead use an
integer-only array PMC instead. (Such a PMC exists and is called
"intlist.pmc", and uses the same stack engine as the control, user,
and pad stacks.)

I would remove the rxstack, but I didn't want to break the closest
thing we have to a regex engine until I or someone else managed to
release a different working implementation. The particular technique
of using a single stack tied directly the interpreter is an
evolutionary dead end, however. Good for a proof of concept, but
that's it.

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