>I'm afraid your code won't work.

As stated below I got it to work with my example :-p

>Okay, you've subclassed a functional module.  But this means that 
>you'll be >passing the package name as the first argument, not a test 
>name.  This will generate a "this >test does not exist" warning with 
>the package name as the name of the first test that it's >trying to 

Correct me if I'm wrong but calling $self->SUPER::somesub calls a sub in the
functional context which will not pass the "calling class" along with it.

>On a minor side note, $self in Perl typically refers to an instance.  
>If >this were a proper class method, $class would be a better name for 
>that argument.

>> use TestHarnessSubClass;
>> TestHarnessSubClass::runtests('c:\perl\sample.t')

>You subclassed Test::Harness, but here you are still calling this in a 
>>functional manner (instead of TestHarnessSubClass->runtests), which 
>means that C:\perl\sample.t will >be passed as the first argument.  The 
>"subclassed" runtests() method will assign that value to >$self and you 
>will have very disappointing results.

Well it worked in ActiveState on my windows box with out the "this test does
not exist" error.......I see your point about this.  There really is no
"instance" of either the sub class or super class and as you said it's being
called in the functional context.  It is essentially a wrapper around
Test::Harness that uses the same sub routine calls.

>In short, don't try to subclass modules unless they're OO.
I know that in this case that everything could work out to be fine and dandy
but other cases it could turn out to be a mess.  I guess I just got lucky
this time :-p


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