Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:10 +0200 7/31/03, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>  > *) Determine the init and setup routine names
>>- Parrot_<classname>_class_setup
>>- Parrot_<classname>_class_init
>>The class_setup also sets the class_enum i.e vtable->base_type.

> Well... there are versioning issues there. We ought to be able to
> have multiple versions of a class loaded, in which case this may not
> work. I'm pretty sure that there are some platforms that require
> unique names in libraries across the entire process.

I think we can postpone that for later. Perl5 module versioning +
addons that handle this, have very sophisticated schemes. Though I can
just imagine to find/load a specific version of a pmc class, but not to
have different versions of one module loaded, both providing the class

>>[1] If there are no objections I'll check that part in. It shouldn't be
>>too hard, to finally have a perl script, that generates a platform
>>independend Makefile out from %PConfig.

> Nope, go for it.

Ok. Have checked in that a minute ago.


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