On Saturday, August 2, 2003, at 01:03 am, Michael G Schwern wrote:

Class::Contract has always bothered me as way too much Kool-Aid to
drink in one sitting.

I completely agree. Having the ability to apply pre/post/invariant functionality to normal Perl classes has been on my to do list for years. Still waiting for a visit from the spare time fairy ;)

Cutting DBC down to its Best Trick: inheritable
invariants. And an invariant is just a test before or after a function
call. All the rest of Class::Contract, the enforcement, the new OO syntax...
that can all be thrown out. If you want all that, use a different module.

So what you're left with is...

    use Test::Contract;
    use Test::More;

    sub add {
        pre { is( @_, 2, 'got two arguments' ) }

        my $sum = $_[0] + $_[1];
        return $sum;

        post { unlike( $ret, qr/\D/ ) }

...and the rest is a little clever filtering.

Ah. The infamous "trivial matter of programming" :-)

I've thought it might be nice to be able to separate out the pre-post conditions from the actual subroutines in question and apply them in an AOPish manner.... but as I said before --- never had the time to think about it in detail.

Ooooh! I just had a great idea. Use "TEST { ... }" instead of "TEST: { ... }"
in Test::AtRuntime. If the user has Filter::Simple, use that to strip out
the TEST blocks. Otherwise, its a function call to TEST() passing in a code
ref which it would run or not run based on if we're testing or not. Except
now there's a dependency on Sub::Uplevel. :(

Neato - but I have to admit I'm in the "source filters are evil" camp :-) Roll on Perl6 and decent macros!

-       I think the idea of being able to run tests as assertions is a cute
one worth exploring. Just having a T::B subclass that died rather than
log anything would be a boon. Giving us all the goodness of the T::B
based functions for normal assertions.


The advantage would be to avoid a parallel evolution of similar groups of functionality in the Test:: and Carp::Assert:: hierarchies.

Or even more trivially, take Test::AtRuntime and swap
out Test::Builder::ok() with something that dies on failure.

I was thinking about the ability to have an assertion block - so you could do (something like):

        isa_ok($_[0], 'Foo');
        ok( $_[1], 'non-false value');

and get a single die reporting all failing tests in the block. So it would need something a little more sneaky than overriding T::B::ok.


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