Larry Wall wrote:
> Nope.  $x and $p are syntax trees.


Macros are passed syntax trees as arguments, but return coderefs?

That's... odd.

I would expect that a macro would be expected to *return* a syntax
tree... which could then undergo (more) macro-expansion.

Sortof like how in lisp, a macro recieves lists as arguments (those
lists being un-evaluated code) and then returns a list, which then has
more macro expansion done on it, and then gets parsed and evaluated.

$a=24;split//,240513;s/\B/ => /for@@=qw(ac ab bc ba cb ca
);{push(@b,$a),($a-=6)^=1 for 2..$a/6x--$|;print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]
]\n";((6<=($a-=6))?$a+=$_[$a%6]-$a%6:($a=pop @b))&&redo;}

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