Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>> Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I would suggest the opnames/categories "mutate," "alias," and
>> > "create."
>> IMHO, we could leave PASM syntax as it is and create opcode aliases
>> inside the assembler ...

> I would rather rename the ops, but make their old names aliases to the
> new names.


> But that would tempt people to do:

>    $P0 = new SomethingElse (42)

> Which sadly wouldn't work, since neither the create ops, nor the "new"
> op, generalize that way.

That's fine for Arrays (setting the initial size) and for Subs (setting
branch location). Its kind of the current init_pmc vtable.

> But if the syntax is:

>    $P0 <== 42

> , we would not be impling a generality which doesn't exist.  Also, it
> removes redundancy, since "42" already implies PerlInt, so we don't need
> to spell that name out.

PieThonInt, RubyInt?


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