TOGoS writes:
> I0  Prototyped return?
> I1  Number of overflow return values
> I2  Number of return values in PMC registers
> P3  Overflow return values in an array PMC
> so as to make call/return symmetrical
> (this would also allow me to use the same
> Params class in my compiler for both
> calls and returns ;-)

This is brilliant!  And it's not because you can re-use your Params
class.  It's because call context falls right out of the calling

Provided that we have a way to attach signature information to a PMC
(which would be pretty nice, I suspect), then the signature of P1 is the
context of the call.  And now we don't have to pass in context
information seperately.

And if you feel like fooling with continuations; i.e. putting somebody
else's return continuation in P1, the context will work out correctly
there, too.

Actually, attaching dynamic signature information to various kinds of
.Subs seems to have a lot of advantages.  It makes cross-language
calling easier, because the caller has an idea about what the callee
wants.  For instance:

    my &pysub := get_some_python_sub();
    for @a, &pysub;

Would take appropriate chunks of @a, depending on how many parameters
&pysub wanted.  Or &pysub could be from any language, maybe not even
known by the program, and this would still work correctly.

Of course, there may be some big issues that I'm missing.


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