# syntax. As it is, the add(ints) op and the
# add(pmcs) ops do very different things (one
# has 'set' while the other has 'assign' semantics),
# but they look exactly the same. If not at

I think that's mostly because there's no difference between set
semantics and assign semantics for ints.  You can think of them as both
having assign semantics, if you like. 

# I sense the 'only people who really know
# what they're doing wil use this interface,
# anyway, so we don't have to make it nice'
# attitude in a few other places... most
# notably the Windows API.

You don't have to lecture me on the Windows API--I use Windows, and I
have the scars to prove it.  ;^)  But in this case, we're doing it

        a. It speeds things up.
        b. It avoids a very difficult DWIM.
        c. It simplifies the syntax.

Sure, you don't need to use 'new' on an I register, while you do on a P
register--but you *never* need to use 'new' on an I, if memory serves.
So that's a consistent...uh...inconsistency between I and P registers.

# But aside from all that, I still think
# that the set semantics for add, etc. would
# make a lot of sense in many cases, because
# the PMC that is being addded will know
# how best to return.

The thing is, the target PMC needs a way to react to the fact that it's
being assigned to.  The real semantics we want are something like:

        assign $P0, (add $P1, $P2)

(Assuming that ops behaved that way...)

I don't think any vtable ops actually allocate new PMCs and return
them--to my knowledge, they always operate on a target PMC.  I believe
that this is done for speed reasons, although I'm not sure about
that--after all, it's much cheaper to allocate target PMCs only when you
need them than to allocate them when you don't.

Perl and Parrot hacker
"Yeah, and my underwear is flame-retardant--that doesn't mean I'm gonna
set myself on fire to prove it."

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