Build system
We have missing dependencies. E.g. classes/* isn't rebuilt, when some
parrot include files change.
S. e.g.:
Subject: repeat() not implemented in PerlInt

Platform code
We need some functions to deal with paths and files like File::Spec.
For loading include files or runtime extension some search path should
be available to locate these files (a la "use lib LIST;").
For now runtime/parrot/{include,dynext} and the current working
directory would be sufficient. But finally we will need some install
paths (which is now the parrot dir itself) and Configure support for

A plan for moving languages/imcc to imcc
I still prefer a separate directory inside parrot root (imcc has its
own examples and test directories and a file named jit.c.
Also related:
- Build just imcc$(EXE) as parrot$(EXE).
- Build a libparrot that includes imcc* so that the whole parser stuff
  can get embedded.

Bitwise string ops
I'd be glad, if someone could finish these functions. Also some
comments on the implementation would be fine: How should these ops
work with unicode? Now they work by byte. I can imagine that they
should operate by char for unicode strings. Is there a bitwise string
C<not> too in Perl6?


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