On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 06:49  pm, Kurt Starsinic wrote:
    Worth being familiar with.  Very practical.  If anybody knows a
good book on Junit (if there is such a thing, HHOS), I would love
to know about it.

"Unit Testing in Java: How Tests Drive the Code" by Johannes Link & Peter Fröhlich has lots of good stuff, but (in the edition I read anyway) a few translation quirks from the original German. Still worth getting tho'.

I've heard that "JUnit in Action" <http://manning.com/massol/> is looking pretty good, but it's not out until October. I've not seen it myself.

O'Reilly's "Java Extreme Programming Cookbook" has a nice introductory chapter on JUnit but unless you want to learn about XP too is probably not worth the price of the book.

All IMHO of course ;-)


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