Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    inline op mthread_create(inconst INT) {
> >       opcode_t *dest = PTR2OPCODE_T(CUR_OPCODE + $1));
> >       PMC * p = new_ret_continuation_pmc(interpreter, dest)
> Please note that the ret_continuation is intended for returning only,
> not for executing code on. (it just has pointers to the original
> interpreter context that get swapped in on invoke() - no COW copies like
> the normal Continuation class)

Oops.  I was writing this mostly by looking at core.ops, and I saw this
and thought that it was just a shortcut for creating a Continuation (one
line instead of two).  Foolish me.

$a=24;split//,240513;s/\B/ => /for@@=qw(ac ab bc ba cb ca
);{push(@b,$a),($a-=6)^=1 for 2..$a/6x--$|;print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]
]\n";((6<=($a-=6))?$a+=$_[$a%6]-$a%6:($a=pop @b))&&redo;}

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