On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> The original thought was to use the new perl 6 grammar engine/code
> to do this, but I think it'll be a while before that's ready to go.

I think perl6 is definitely the way to go, once it's ready.

BTW, what's the deal with Bundle::Perl6? I tried installing it from
cpan yesterday but it wouldn't install with my perl. (I forget why)
Is it meant to be usable today?

> Rather than invent an entirely new language for this (which is
> somewhat problematic) why not go for something already reasonably
> well-known? YACC and BNF grammars seem like a good place to start,
> especially as most of the languages have some form of grammar
> defined for them.

Well the "new language" was just for the imcc code templates.
Now I think the better path is to define a code-generating class
for each ast node.

Then PythonWhileNode can be a subclass of the generic WhileNode.
(Python while statements have an extra "else" block that most 
languages don't have)

> It's only a first step, as then everyone beats the heck out of the
> resulting token stream, but it's a place to start. 80-90% of the
> result will end up being generically parseable as well--"x + y" will
> generate the same code for all languages if x and y are PMCs, for
> example, so I'd bet we could have a lot of standard products
> designed.
Yep. For now, everything pypirate generates *is* pmc based,
since python doesn't have type declarations. Generic pirate
should probably have a "declare" node though. (Especially
if it's to handle perl6, right?)

Michal J Wallace
Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
my site: http://www.withoutane.com/

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