Having read the whole thread a few times, I think I understand the

On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 10:16:33AM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Benjamin Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> (PMCs have reference semantics[1])
> I should have started with [1]:
>   new P1, .PerlHash
>   # new P3, .PerlString
>   # set P3, "yyy\n"
>   # set P1["a"], P3
>   set P0, P1["a"]
>   print P0
>   set P0, "xxx\n"
>   set P2, P1["a"]
>   print P2
>   end
> When the hash entry exists (3 comments enabled), there is a different
> behavior compared to the non existing case. "set"ting (assigning) the
> returned P0 changes the aggregate member or not.


> > If you'd done:
> >      assign P0, "xxx\n"
>    set P0, "xx" and assign P0, "xx" are the same. As already outlined,
> one of these opcodes is obsolete. "set" does assign for I,N,S registers.

> So I assume, that the returned PerlUndef should be put into the
> aggregate, if there was none before access.

I believe yes, it must, for consistency.
Is there an op to copy the value out of an aggregate, without changing
the aggregate? The (shallow copy) value assignment, needed to implement

   $a = $h{"a"};
   print $a;
   $$a = "xxx\n";
   $a = $h{"a"};
   print $a;

(ie not \$h{"a"})

Nicholas Clark

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