On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> You also must worry about volumes.
> Unix: No user visible concept of a volume
> Windows: VOLUME:\dir1\dir2\file
> VMS: VOLUME:[dir1.dir2]file

This has been worrying me for some years. The concept of "volume" has
different implications for different platforms.

[please excuse long rambling explanation...]

One could argue that the mount points in Unix, though normally invisible,
are "volumes" in the sense that they do affect the semantics of certains
system calls, most especially "rename" and "link", but depending on mount
options also "open", "write", "ioctl" and others. Making them visible is
normally exhorbitantly expensive though, so you don't want to do so unless
absolutely necessary.

It's also clear that the relationships between "volume" and "root directory"
differ. For Mac, volumes are within a pseudo root directory, whereas for Win32
a root directory exists on a volume. So although they share the same names,
they aren't really portable concepts in any meaningful way.

What these various OSes do share is a concept of "current locus" (or loci)
within some filename space.

  * On Unix both the "working" and "root" directories can be changed;

  * On Windows the current (working) directory is a feature of the current
    volume; changing to another volume and back again will bring you to the
    same working directory, even if you changed the current directory on
    another volume.
    (This behaviour changes between different versions of Windows.)

  * On Classic Mac (and VMS?) only the "working directory" can be changed; the
    "root directory" is faked to be the top of the startup volume;

  * On RMX an arbitrary number [*] of "current loci" can be established, and
    refered to as if they were independent volumes, or accessed by open
    "handles" (much like filedescriptors); the standard C library uses these to
    fake the behaviour of various POSIX functions, but these loci can be
    shared between processes and thus the POSIX emulation can be fooled.

  * Similarly, versions of Unix which have "fchdir" and/or "fchroot" allow a
    working directory or root directory to be selected from an arbitrary number
    of already-opened directories;

  * Some (ancient) systems don't have any directory hierachy, so a root
    directory is meaningless

But also importantly, in the general case it is not possible to determine a
path between two loci, and in particular between a root directory and a working

  * In Unices with "fchdir" to have a current working directory that is outside
    the current root directory;

  * Filesystem permissions may prevent traversing from one locus to another;
    (normally this would prevent construction of a path from one to the other,
    but even given such a path, it might not be usable)

The more important question is how do we interpret these things to decide if
certain operations should reasonable be expected to succeed? Give or take
ownership issues of course...

Some of them we already can do somewhat portably:

  * How do we take the results of "readdir" and make them usable?

  * If we use "chdir", how do we later get back to the same working directory?

  * Is a given filename dependent on the working directory?

  * Do two pathnames A and B refer to the same entity?
    Just by inspecting the pathnames?
    By checking whether they're links to the same file (inode)?

  * Do two pathnames A and B refer to entities in the same directory?

    If so then we can assume that if permissions allow us to access A then they
    will probably also allow us to access B.  Not that we shouldn't check the
    results of both attempts of course, but if one succeeds and the other fails
    then we would be excused for just bailing instead of trying harder.

Some of them are a lot harder to do portably:

  * Can we rename a file from name A to name B? A directory?
    If it's one that we just created? One that we got from "readdir"?

    How can we construct A from B or B from A to guarantee that we can?

    Roughly this translates to "are A and B on the same volume?" unless
    you're on Unix where we pretend that there aren't any volumes...

  * How do we do transactional file replacement? That is, either replace
    a target file with a complete replacement, or not at all.

    On Unix we do this by creating a temporary file in the same directory and
    once it has been completely written, renaming it to replace the target
    atomically. Or just deleting it to roll back the transaction.

    Assuming this method is possible for another OS, how do we construct the
    temporary filename from the target filename?

  * Can we create a hard link from name A to name B? A symbolic link?

    How can we construct A from B or B from A to guarantee that we can?

    Given two pathnames A and B, how do we make the shortest relative path C
    between them (to use for a relative symbolic link)?

    On Unix you can create a hard link anywhere under the same mount point; on
    Win-NT4-POSIX links can only be created within the same directory.

  * If we rename a symlink from name A and pointing at B, to name C, will it
    still refer to the same file?

    How can we construct A+B from C or C from A+B to guarantee that it will?

    If we can't, how do we create a new symlink D that *will* refer to the same
    file?  Or a new name E which it will refer to?

    And do all the above without requiring A and C to be in the same directory?

I would strongly recommend deprecating any distinction between "volume" and
"path", and instead provide functions which focus on allowing us to answer the
above questions in simple portable ways.

But in the end, since Windows, MacOS, VMS and even RMX all have POSIX
emulation, do we really care?  Maybe we should just have functions for "convert
native name to POSIX" and "convert POSIX name to native" and be done with it?


[* Ok, an "arbitrary" number really means a 32-bit number -- or smaller]

PS: don't forget, I said "give or take filesystem permissions"

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