I have a question/request concerning perl6 object properties.

I've done some work with .NET and They have come up with a really slick 
way to handle object properties.

A typical property definition in VB.NET looks like:

Public Property propertyName() As String
    return aString
  End Get
  Set(ByVal Value As String)
    ' set value
  End Set
End Property

You can use it like this:

oObj.description = sDescr ' calls setter
sDescr = oObj.description ' calls getter

This allows proper encapsulation of object properties while providing a 
very clean interface. A corollary feature is that properties can map to 
arbitrary values. I've written object property definitions that read 
and write directly to relational databases, and Ive written read only 
properties that abstract XPath queries to config files.

My main interest in the feature is using the assignment operator to 
assign to object properties.

I posted a question to CLPM on how to do this with perl5 and we decided 
to use an 'lvalue' attribute on the subroutine and then make the 
returned lvalue in the sub a tied variable to intercept read/writes:


It works, but its obviously slow and can get confusing for anything 
moderately complex.

I just thought I would share this and see if anything similar can fit 
in the perl6 OO syntax.

Todd W.

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