--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:18:12AM +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
> : By the way, I trust this will be addressed (if it hasn't been
> : already):
> : 
> : perl5 -le 'print "gah!" if exists $a{b}{c}; print "phooey!"
> :  if exists $a{b}'
> : 
> : perlfunc says:
> : 
> : This surprising autovivification in what does not at first--or
> : even second--glance appear to be an lvalue context may be fixed
> : in a future release.
> I sure hope so.  Perl 5 confuses reference contexts with lvalue
> contexts.  With the new vtable implementation of basic types, we
> ought to be able to substitute an "always undefined" array or hash
> vtable that can propagate non-existence outward in rvalue context.
> Larry

This one doesn't *quite* make me as strongly prompted to chuckle and
say "Larry, you're an evil genius" as the comments on macros in another
thread, but it still gives me a warm fuzzy.... particularly because we
know Good Larry is in charge, and Evil Genius Larry just works in the
sweatshop to satisfy his need to beat the Gods of Cryptocontext at
their own game. 

TMTOWTDI applies likewise to DWIMming! :)

Also, I'm very sorry Larry -- I hit the wrong button backing up to edit
this, and sent you an empty message. :(

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