Jeff Clites writes:
> >Speaking to the practical side, I have written code that has to 
> >disentangle
> >itself from the failure of a complex startup sequence. I'd love to be 
> >able
> >to build a dynamic exit sequence. (In fact, being able to do <C>&block 
> >.=
> >{ more_stuff(); };</C> is way up on my list...)
> I've wanted to do that sort of thing before, but it seems simpler 
> (conceptually and practically) to build up an array of cleanup 
> subs/blocks to execute in sequence, rather than to have a .= for 
> blocks. (Another reason it's handy to keep them separate is in cases in 
> which each needs to return some information--maybe a status which 
> determines whether to proceed, etc.)

But this is already supported, in its most powerful form:

    wrap &block: { call; other_stuff() }


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