On 2003-07-19, Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been looking at the testers database (well, downloading the list
> via nntp.perl.org really) for Module::CPANTS recently.
> In the current version of Module::CPANTS I report the count of PASSes
> and FAILs for each distribution. This works well.
> I've been looking at gathering the number of tests that a distribution
> has. However, it looks like FAILs have this information, eg:
>  Failed 1/10 test scripts, 90.00% okay. 3/43 subtests failed, 93.02% okay.
> ... but PASSes don't. So for the next version of Module::CPANTS I'll
> be able to report the number of tests only for those distributions
> which have a plan and have failed at least one test.
> Firstly, is there a reason for this inconsistency?
> Secondly, who do I need to convince to add the "make test" results for
> PASSes too? ;-)

Perhaps Adam J. Foxson. He maintains "Test::Reporter", which makes it 
very easy to submit testing results through the 'cpantest' binary.
His address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems that used on it's own 'cpantest' requires the user to paste in
the the test result on success or failure. I understand the module also
integrations with CPANPLUS. Perhaps there's a place to provide this
feature there...or perhaps it already exists now but I haven't noticed.



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