> the top level Makefile has this rule to build the object files in
> languages/imcc:
> $(IMCC_DIR)/%.o : $(IMCC_DIR)/%.c
> $(PERL) tools/dev/cc_flags.pl ./CFLAGS $(CC) -I$(IMCC_DIR) $(CFLAGS) -o
$@ -c $<
> the build fails at imcparser.o for me (the first object file)


> Having a grovel around the FreeBSD make and GNU make documentation
> that $(IMCC_DIR)/%.o : $(IMCC_DIR)/%.c is a GNU make pattern rule, and
> means nothing to FreeBSD. However, I'm not convinced that that rule is
> even necessary, as IIRC the C compiler should be looking for include files
> in the same directory as the source.


I propose replace
 @$(PERL) tools/dev/cc_flags.pl ./CFLAGS $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ${cc_o_out}$@ -c $<
 @$(PERL) tools/dev/cc_flags.pl ./CFLAGS $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(@D)
${cc_o_out}$@ -c $<

and remove

$(IMCC_DIR)/%${o} : $(IMCC_DIR)/%.c
 $(PERL) tools/dev/cc_flags.pl ./CFLAGS $(CC) -I$(IMCC_DIR) $(CFLAGS)
${cc_o_out}$@ -c $<

Nick Kostirya/

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