On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Simon Glover wrote:
> >
> >  What, if any, validation of their input should the register access
> >  functions in the extension API do? Currently, they don't do any,
> >  which means that you can create a buffer overflow simply by using
> >  a register number >31 or <0; eg,
> >
> >    Parrot_set_intreg(interpreter, 100000000, 100);
> >
> >  reliably segfaults on my machine. Is it the responsibility of the
> >  extension writer to do this kind of bounds checking (in which case
> >  we need to make this extremely plain in the documentation), or should
> >  Parrot do this itself?
> This ought to be done by the extension API, though it was something I
> skimped on when I was throwing it together.

 OK, so what do we do in response to an out-of-bounds access? Throw a 
 Parrot exception? Or indicate an error in some other fashion?



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