As originally proposed by Melvin Smith, we gonna have a "Halloween release". Its not so much "Nothing fancy, just something fun. :)" - A lot of things did happen since the last release. Not really milestones, though - nevertheless the rather big list of improvements[1] justifies a release.
* Feature freeze is from now Oct, 29th 8.00 GMT until
* Code freeze starts at Oct, 31th 8.00 GMT

During feature freeze, only core patches WRT building, testing, warnings, bug fixes and the like should go in (languages/* aren't affected).


- The Big Move: Parrot source and build files rearranged into sub dirs
- Build imcc as parrot
- Objects more finished
- Delegate vtable methods to byte code
- Binary multi-method dispatching
- Isa and does methods for PMCs
- Call byte code from C
- Start of extension interface
- Experimental struct handling
- Catch access to NULL PMCs
- Experimental network socket interface code and opcodes
- IO fixes and improvements
- Dynamic opcode libraries
- Fix-assigned opcode numbers
- Argument flattening for function calls
- More native call interface (NCI) signatures
- Ncurses, postgres, and pcre interface libraries
- Forth language is vastly improved
- BSD and Win32 build improvements
- Many new tests and fixes

Additions and comments welcome,

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