Sterling Hughes wrote:

The reason I think parrot-compilers would be useful, is that its dedicated to helping people (like me) write compilers for parrot, whereas (in my understanding), perl6-internals@ is really about the development of the vm itself (I would subscribe to both). I see parrot-compilers@ as opening up more questions from people struggling with the current apis than perl6-internals@ - at least I'll post more. :)

I've been silently reading this lists for some weeks now and I don't see the need to introduce a new list. A wide area of questions seems to be welcome and get's answered on this list. It's very comfortable to have just one mailinglist for all questions.

At this (still) early stage of the project one mailinglist seems to be a good way of communication. As long as the traffic is as low as now I consider it as helpful for vm designers to read the api users questions on the same list as it's helpful for api users to watch vm design decisions.

However, I'm just a silent reader and I'd subscribe to both the new list as well in case it appears. Maybe you should start bombing this list with api questions so that there's a strong reason to split: traffic ;-).


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