On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 09:30:19AM +1100, Andrew Savige wrote:
> > Also, I would recommend something like PERL_SKIP_LONG_TESTS.  By
> > default, all tests should be run to prevent the user accidentally
> > forget to run some tests.
> If some tests take hours to run, running them by default will annoy
> interactive users, in particular those running the CPAN shell.

Disabling tests for subjective reasons (they take "too long", they don't
test critical functionality, etc...) is a slippery slope.  For that reason
I'd agree with Curtis and say that everything is always run by default
and users can then elect what to turn off.  PERL_SKIP_LONG_TESTS seems like
a clear name.

If users find tests annoying then can turn them off, or ignore them or
not run them at all.  Because the user impulse is more often to weaken
the tests than the strengthen them, the default should always be the 
strongest testing position.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
"Congratulations, you're a thieving bastard... Now give me back my pants."
"That's MISTER Pants!"
        -- Ian's Adventures In Morrowind

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