On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:36:31PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> As for the original question that started this whole silly thread,
> control structures that return values should probably be considered
> some kind of generator, and have an explicit "yield"-like statement
> that is orthogonal to "last" and such.  Such a generator would be
> explicitly marked, as with "do {...}" above, only different.  The
> inside of such a generator after the loop is the natural place
> to say what happens if nothing in the loop "works".

I don't understand ...  Do you mean something like this?

        confer { 
           for @a -> $x { ... } || beget @results;

where "confer" is the do-like marker and "beget" is the yield-like
statement.  But why not this?

        for @a -> $x { ... } or do { ... }

I need an example.


Jonathan Scott Duff

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