It my fault. I was messing around with labels. I have a pending
patch to clarify some more things in the API so for now we just
need to disable the imcc/t/imcpasm tests.

Global labels get fixup and are loaded into global table by packfile.
The local labels don't need to be globals.


Juergen Boemmels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/25/2003 01:02 PM

        To:     Perl6 Internals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        I don't like failed tests


the test in imcc/t/imcpasm/{pcc,optc}.t are currently failing. First I
thought this was a problem with my setup because most tinderbox were
green. It took me a while until I found out that they also fail, but
you need to look in the logs to see it. Is there a bug in the

Anyway: imcc generates code were the generated labels start with _@
instead of @ like the test suggests.

Leo says [1] that labels should not start with an _ so the obvious
(attached) patch might be wrong.



#### imcc_test.diff has been removed from this note on November 25, 2003 
by Melvin Smith

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