
in a code I am writing right now http://yapcom.pti.co.il/
I used to croak from functions deep down.
When testing for such errors I used code like this in my
test script:

eval {
   f();     # will croak
like($@, qr/Bad thing happened/, 'successfully tested bad thing');

Now I am trying to replace the croak/eval error handling with
try/catch of Error.pm so in the f() function
I replaced the

  croak('Bad thing happened');


  throw MyError('Bad thing happened');

How am I going to test this ?
I came up with the following in the test script:

use Error qw(:try);

my $ex;
try {
catch MyError with {
    $ex = shift;
like($ex, qr/Bad thing happened/, 'successfully tested bad thing');

Now $ex is global but I think I cannot test within the catch block.
Shall I just add an extra block around the whole snippet above ?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing ?


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