Paul Hodges writes:
> Larry Wall writes:
> > Perl 5 didn't allow exportation of lexicals because typeglobs only
> > dealt with package variables, not lexical variables.  In Perl 6
> > we'll be able to alias both lexicals and package variables.  That
> > implies that a lexically scoped name can be exported, whether it
> > refers to a variable or something else like a property.
> So a role defined in one module can be scoped lexically so as not to
> trample another module's namespace, and the use()'er of that module can
> elect whether ot not to export that role into his own space for
> implicit use on other objects. Accordingly, if Foo implements a zippy
> property, and Bar does as well, and both are polite enough about it to
> make then the equivelent of EXPORT_OK, then I can say
>   use Foo 'zippy';
>   use Bar;
>   use Baz;
>   my Baz @ray = ( );
>   $ray[0] but= zippy;
> But just for the sake of clear understanding, suppose I pushed onto
> @ray a whole passle of Foos and Bars and Bazzes. All the Foos and
> Bazzes could use Foo's zippy. If I say
>   push @ray,;
>   $ray[-1].zippy = "woohoo!";
> then Bar's zippy would be used by default, right?

I think so.  If Bar has a zippy method, then that zippy method is called
instead of setting the property.  Which are really the same thing.  So,
um, yes.

> Now the hard question.
>   my $tst =;
> How do I set a zippy property on $tst explicitly using Bar's zippy?

Probably just

    $tst but= Bar::zippy;

I imagine that properties work just like other names, so they can be
stuck in package symbol tables, too.

> Is that possible? Baz has no zippy, so I'd have to use "but", right?
> How about
>   $tst but= Bar.zippy;  # is zippy a class property?  
>   $tst but= Bar::zippy; # is zippy a class method? do I need a & ??

Yeah, the latter one.  Note that class methods are called like:


now, so there's no ambiguity.  Hooray.

> Or is this even possible?  

Please, we're talking about Perl... :-)


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