* Mark Stosberg <mark at summersault.com> [2003/12/03 16:22]:
> Lately I've been using the excellent WWW::Mechanize module a good deal
> to test web applications. As I've done this, I've noticed a number of
> the same patterns coming up as I'm testing web-based forms. 
> I'm wondering if there are any known modules out there for testing
> forms represented as HTML::Form objects, or interest in helping create
> such a module.

I had a hand in designing a web-based tester that used XPath expressions
to determine if resulting HTML contained appropriate elements.  This
sounds like a technique that would be useful here, and anywhere else you
needed to test HTML or XML content.  You could do something like:

  my $html = get($uri);

      '//form[1]//[EMAIL PROTECTED] = "myButton"]/@value',
      'Expected value');

Or something similar.  html_xpath is a horrid name, but you get the
idea.  I don't have any code to contribute (the original was implemented
by someone else, in Python), but the idea is mostly formed in my head.
I'd be happy to contribute ideas and/or code to implement such a beast.


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