
Finally, here's my first release of Module::CPANTS::Generator, a framework
to test all distributions on CPAN for 'kwalitee'.

It should be easier to use and run, it should be easer to add new metrics
and different ways to report results. On the downside, it currently includes
less metrics than Leon Brocards last release... 

Please note that you'll need a jet unreleased version of CPAN::DistnameInfo
to run CPANTS (it's in the docs how to get it..)

For various reasons I currently cannot run CPANTS to provide you with fresh
results, but this situation should change real soon. In the meantime, you
can get (very) old results (generated with a much less improved version of
Module::CPANTS::Generate) from here:

Similar to Leons Module::CPANTS

The same data, but in a SQLite DB (much easier to query)

I'll appreciate feedback, questions, patches etc. I suggest using the
perl-qa list for this purpose.

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The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/D/DO/DOMM/Module-CPANTS-Generator-0.010.tar.gz
  size: 16317 bytes
   md5: 71cc7b034a4e3dc1fcae230d3815f1f8

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#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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