On Sat, Dec 06, 2003 at 07:46:24PM -0500, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> Alright, I know this is tangential to QA, but I'm trying to access
> rt.cpan.org to update a bug on a module I'm working on.  I can't log
> into rt.cpan.org using my PAUSE credentials.

Stupid question: can you log into PAUSE using your PAUSE credentials?

> I emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] a month ago, and again this
> week, and received only an automated reply.  I was assigned request
> numbers 4655 and 4288, but I can't find these on fsck.com anywhere.
> Can someone tell me:
>  (a) what I'm doing wrong
>  (b) where to find information on these reports
>  (c) whether there's a much more appropriate list for these questions

If you're feeling your oats you can hop onto irc.perl.org #perl and track
down obra (aka Jesse).

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/

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