At 06:06 PM 12/11/2003 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

As IMCC's in some flux and likely to get gutted and reworked, the question of macros has come up. (They cause some grammar issues) So, to make life easier:

Parrot's built-in PIR and PASM parsing modules do *not* need to do macros. (Though they do need to do .const things) Macro assemblers are for people, not compilers, and as such a separate tool (which can be a loadable compiler later if someone wants) is appropriate in this circumstance. So...

As long as there's a macro-assembler preprocessing program that understands the macro system and spits out macro-expanded PIR and PASM, the macro facilities built into IMCC can get tossed out. (Time for someone to write, methinks)

There is already a nifty macro processor in imcc.l that probably should be salvaged and possibly moved to a separate lib.


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