--- Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Incidently, I think I've caught on to _one_ of the concepts in the
> upcoming object-orientation proposal: linguistically, there's a triad
> of "basic verbs" - namely "be", "do", and "have".  If I'm following
> things properly, one could think of an object's properties as things
> that it has, its methods as things that it does, and its roles as
> things that it is. 

Beautiful. This has a lot of potential, although some of it is
potential to twist young minds..... It makes me want to add commas
where commas should not be. 

  my Dog $Spot is Pet, will { Sit() }, has @.fleas;

See what I mean? :op
But seriously, how much of that actually is valid?I doubt @.fleas will
fly (no pun intended, honest).

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