Larry Wall wrote:
> Jonathan Lang wrote:
> : > Arguably, the role's might be required to declare their methods
> : > "multi" if they want to participate in this, but that's one of those
> : > things that feel like they ought to be declared by the user rather 
> : > than the definer.  On the other hand, maybe a role would feel that 
> : > its method *must* be unique, and leaving out the "multi" is the way 
> : > to do that.  But I hate to get into the trap of culturally requiring
> : > every method in every role to specify "multi".  It's a little too 
> : > much like the C++ ubiquitous-const problem.
> : 
> : What about making multi dispatches the assumed behavior, with a
> : C<unique> keyword to explicitly shut it off (for the sake of 
> : optimization)?  That is, replace the C<multi> keyword used to define 
> : routines that participate in multiple dispatching with a C<unique> 
> : keyword used to define routines that don't.  
> Now that' *interesting* idea.  Maybe even worth some punctuation
> right there in the name.  Maybe "is unique" is written:
>     my sub print! ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...}
> meaning: "Always call this one, dang it!"
> Then maybe "is default" could be
>     my sub print? ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) {...}
> meaning: "Call this one in case of a tie?"
> The character would only be in the declaration, not in the call.

Perhaps; but I'd want the more verbose approach available as well.  

> (Of course, that prevents us from actually using those characters in
> names like Ruby does, but I'm not sure that's a big loss.)
> But I'm getting sidetracked.  The underlying question is whether "multi"
> should be the default.  And that's still an interesting idea regardless
> of the syntax.
> Another unexplored question is how and whether to open up multiple
> dispatch to more scopes than just the first one in which you find
> the name, which is the normal Perl6 semantics.  I doubt looking
> everywhere should be the default, but just as a class might call any
> or all of its roles' methods, a lexically scoped sub might want to
> call or dispatch to any set of subs of that name that are visible in
> the current scope.  Naming such collections is an interesting problem.

Naming in what way?  As a descriptive term for discussing them in general,
or naming individual collections for reference purposes in the code?  

> Taking scope transitions into account in the distance calculation of
> multi signatures could be even more interesting.  If you define your
> own multi foo, and there's a global multi foo, how far away is that?
> Is it worth a level of inheritance in one of the arguments?  Is it
> worth more?  Less?  Is it worth anything, if you've included both
> in your set of possible multis to begin with?

Why not do it the same way that namespace scoping collisions are resolved:
the local scope trumps the caller's scope.  Rinse, lather, repeat.  

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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