>>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  > What's the problem with doing this in an event loop? Step 2. I've
  > had times where this was intensive enough that Step 1 happening for
  > other sites were dropping tcp connections. Forking didn't work well,
  > because I needed to mark things as done/not done back in the main
  > loop.  Breaking step 2 into smaller pieces that played nice wasn't
  > feasible, so I went to a forking model w/ IPC. Except then the
  > client wanted it to work under Win32, where I've never trusted any
  > of the pseudo-forks that perl did (esp with Network I/O going on).
  > So I rewrote the whole thing in a language that supported threads.

other than the fork issue on win32, it can be done with events. i have
layered an async/sync flow control module over an event loop. it allows
remote (blocking or heavy crunching ops) to be mixed with local ops in a
simple if/then/while minilang. it removes much of the state issues from
complex event loops. ask me about it off list if you want more on that.

i even sent leo (though i am not sure of ownership since that company
went under) a generic event loop in c that i wrote. even if it can't be
used for legal or technical reasons, it should be useful to him and dan
for its design ideas and speed. it uses doubly linked queues (with a
full public api of its own and a slab malloc similar to what parrot has)
to handle all the event types (read/write/timer/signal/plain). dan's
plan is to put the single event loop into a single kernel thread and
have a event and trigger queues shared by all threads (parrot or
kernel). so my event loop design and/or code could be used there. and i
also did run that application with kernel (solaris actually) threads for
blocking ops (dns lookups) and the event loop in one process. it used a
pipe to itself to sync the dns worker threads with the main thread which
ran the event loop. so you can use both in one design if you integrate
them properly. the pipe was an elegant synch solution as you can put an
event handler on one side and the threads could do blocking reads on the
other side. all that was written on the pipe was the address of a
command block (for the dns and its results). i haven't see many systems
which have a process use a pipe to itself :)

  > Events are good. But they are not a complete replacement for
  > threads. Just like threads are not a complete replacement for event
  > loops.

i totally agree. it is just that threads get way more publicity than
event loops. i am just trying to balance that here. :) you have to
realize i have been doing event loop systems for over 20 years (i have
created at least 4 different major event systems in very different
environments) so events come very naturally to me. they seem to be
trickier for some and they gravitate to threads which is a 'simpler'
model but as i have said has its own pitfalls and efficiency issues that
few typical thread users recognize.

  > IMO, parrot should be able to support both models strongly, and not
  > overly promote one over the other.

if that that balance happens, i will be very happy. but more people are
going to come in with thread desires (as most other langs push threads
and not event loops). dan and i have talked extensively on this subject
and i can work with his design which will support both in a reasonable
fashion. parrot must have a core event loop which can be used by any gui
or other event package. it will have parrot level threads as well. how
efficient those threads are vs. a single thread in parrot is one of the
issues on the table.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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