--- "Potozniak, Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>       I was wondering if there was anything built in Perl (a Module) that
> will take in a Perl file and parse that into an abstract or concrete
> syntax
> tree.  I searched around cpan for a bit and couldn't find what I was
> looking
> for.  If anyone is wondering what I'm talking about there is a nice
> Java
> package that Eclipse uses to create a tree for Java compilation that
> I can
> point you toward.  Thanks for your time.
> ~~Andrew  


I'm a bit confused.  Eclipse is simply an IDE, so that doesn't help me
understand what you're looking for.

As for turning a file into a "syntax tree", what do you mean?  Files
are in many different formats.  I can't imagine a single module
handling CSV, XML, and binary JPEG files the same way.  If you could be
a bit more concrete in what you are looking for, we would be better
prepared to help.  Perhaps if you could send a code snippet of what you
would *like* Perl to do (and specify the file format(s) that you want
to work with).


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