Leopold Toetsch writes:
> Jeff Clites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jan 7, 2004, at 1:46 AM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> >> That part is already answered: create a buffer_like structure.
> >> *But* again register backing stacks are *not* in the interpreter
> >> context.
> > I don't understand what you are getting at. They are not physically
> > part of Parrot_Interp.ctx, but it holds pointers to them, right?
> No, they were in the context but aren't any more.
> > ... So,
> > they need to be copied when the context is being duplicated. Is that
> > your point, or are you trying to say that they are not _logically_ part
> > of the context, or are not supposed to be?
> Exactly the latter:
> That was AFAIK a design decision, when Dan did introduce CPS. At this
> time register backing stacks went out of the continuation or whatelse
> context - IIRC did Dan commit that to CVS himself.

In which case I feel obliged to contest that decision.  The register
backing stacks are as much a part of the current state as the program
counter is.

I'm writing a compiler that makes heavy use of continuations for the
purpose of backtracking.  If the register backing stacks aren't closed
over, and I am thus required to keep the state consistent myself, it is
impossible to use continuations for that purpose.  Indeed, it becomes
impossible to use continuations for anything but simulating a control
stack, which is precisely what they are designed to get around.


> So register stacks are *not* included in any context swapping, being it
> a Continuation or some other context switch. That's it.
> > JEff
> leo

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