At 07:36 PM 1/9/2004 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Melvin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:01 AM 1/9/2004 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> Which is why I hoped people would pitch in and help fix the tests.

Its not tests only. There's already production code out there using
Parrot - ask Dan or read his blog. And of course macros are used not
only in tests, they are in library code and so on.

Dan is smart enough not to arbitrarily update his tree with a current
unstable CVS shapshot that is temporarily in flux. You don't update "production"
code everytime a new revision appears in CVS. You wait until a release.
In between releases, I would like to have opportunity to break things, honestly,
while we are still in the alpha stage.

> This is alpha code, and my approach is to do what needs to be done
> and force us to deal with it sooner than later.

That's ok. But we also had some priorities nailed down. First is to fix
current bugs and to finally implement the pdd03 changes. I know, that one
bug is related to macros, but changing the generated labels from
line-numbers to an incremented counter wil very likely fix that too.

I understand, but in real life I might get time to work on a small mod, and large mods sometimes have to wait for a larger "coding window."

I think its time we create a branch for imcc2 mods. That way we can work in
parallel on these things at a more granular pace and not affect Parrot for extended
periods of time. We can then backpatch some of the changes as soon
as they work rather than waiting to merge the branch (such as dup labels
and PCC stuff) but the branch will be available for people to experiment with.

I'll create the branch as soon as I get some significant stuff to commit, maybe this


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