You can just do Test::Builder->new to get the Test::Builder object. It will
be the same one used by Test::More because it's a singleton. That way you
should need no patches,


On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 05:26:59PM +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> I'm using Test::xxx as a tool for testing the functioning of a rather 
> large C program (currently at 112K+ tests).  Many of the tests 
> consist of running combinations of parameters in many nested loops. 
> Sometimes some of these tests fail.  For example, out of a 
> test-script that has about 8000 tests, only 20 will fail along the 
> way.
> I would like these tests to be marked as "TODO".  But that's 
> virtually impossible with the current way you specify TODO tests, as 
> the failures only happen with a specific combination of parameters, 
> usually at least 3 levels deep in loops.
> Now, the test output tells me the test number it failed.  What the 
> exact combination of parameters is, is less important to me in many 
> cases.  The fact that the test (unexpectedly) fails is more important 
> to me.
> Now I only have the option of skipping the entire set of nested 
> loops, as I don't want it to produce any test failures on expected 
> errors.  What I would like to do is just somehow give it a list of 
> test numbers to be marked as "TODO".  And almost everything is there 
> already: setting $TODO to a non-empty string is the only thing needed 
> to make all subsequent tests marked as "todo".  I just lack the 
> method to set $TODO at the right moment (or I have missed it somehow).
> So, what I'd like to add for myself is something like:
> todo_ok( test,{
>  1001 => "a b c still fails, wonder why",
>  2345 => "d e gf to be investigated",
> },"ok text" );
> The conundrum I'm facing with this is that the "current_test" method 
> of Test::Builder is not available from Test::More.  And the 
> Test::Builder object being used in a Test::More run is also not 
> available in Test::More.  And I don't want to make another Test::More.
> So I see basically three solutions to this problem:
> 1. patch Test::More so that the Test::Builder object can be obtained 
> from a test.
> Something like adding "sub Test { $Test }" to Test::More
> 2. patch Test::More to export current_test
> Something like adding "sub current_test { $Test->current_test }" to 
> Test::More
> 3. patch Test::More to export "todo_ok"
> From within Test::More it should be trivial to create "todo_ok", but 
> does this itch of mine warrant includion in Test::More?  And why 
> wouldn't then "todo_is", "todo_cmp_ok" also be made?
> I think I prefer 1 as it will allow you to possibly do other things 
> in the future apart from accessing "current_test".  The solution is 
> more generic and only accessible to those people who actually takie a 
> look at the pod / source of Test::Builder.  Solution 2 would on one 
> hand be too specific and on the other hand not specific enough. 
> Option 3 introduces bloat (is that a problem?).
> If there is another way I could do this, I'm open to that as well... 
> And I wonder where I should post patches to Test::More...  ;-)
> Liz

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