On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 10:16:48PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:

>     sub mark_that_we_have_reached_max_records() {
>         $max_reached = 1;
>     }
>     if !$max_reached && some_expensive_lookup_function() > $MAX_RECORDS {
>         mark_that_we_have_reached_max_records();
>         return;
>     }
> That's a new feature we're adding called "conditional code removal",
> sometimes known as "short circuiting" :-)

Well, not what I asked (the block is not jumped around, just
shortcircuited) and doesn't really address the principle (i.e., how to
manipulate the bytecode at runtime) I was trying to grok, but ok.

> This could well be something the optimizer does, but assuming otherwise,
> optimized currying could be to our benefit.
>     sub do_the_loop($x, $seen) {
>         while $x --> 0 {
>             if $seen || cheap_condition() {
>                 something();
>             }
>             last if !$seen && other_cheap_condition();
>         }
>         return $x;
>     }
>     &do_the_loop.assuming(seen => 1).(
>         &do_the_loop.assuming(seen => 0).(100_000));
> If curries are subject to a short constant-folding pass, this should
> easily give us the effect we want.

Had to study this for a bit to assure myself it all worked, but cool!
This is exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks.

> > (I recall seeing something about how to make assertions drop out, but
> > I want to be able to do this at run-time, not compile-time.)
> As uri said, who can tell the difference?



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