Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unifying the user and control stacks make sense. I don't see any
> point in unifying the pad stack with anything, since it's not really
> a stack as such, or at least ought not be, and it's got a more
> complex linking structure anyway.

Sorry for the unclear question: But currently Pad, User and Control
stacks use the stack layout of stacks.c. The questions was, to use a
common stack code for stacks.c and register.c.

The internals of pads are more complex, that's right, though the
implementation currently has a stack on the surface, i.e. C<new_pad>
pushes a new lexical pad on the pad stack. But searching lexicals is
O(n), I already suggested to use an OrderHash for that.

Do you have more on the layout of lexical pads?


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