> > 'peek' implements an opcode which can look ahead at an arbitrary number of
> > bytes in a IO stream, but does not remove the bytes from the stream in the
> > process.
> >
  > [...]
> I have some question though:
> - what if peek wants to look beyond current buffered limits

Yes - at present it only looks up to the maximum size of the IO buffer
(which on my machine was 8192 byte).  If a request is made to return more
than that size, it just returns the maximum buffer size.

Since this is my first foray out of PASM and into the actual Parrot C
internals, I was still in the process of figuring out what I should be
touching, and where it was located.  In this case, I wasn't certain if it
was possible (or desirable) to be reading past the IO buffer, and if so,
where/how I should be allocating and saving further reads on the stream.

(That being said, if someone would like to give me a nudge in the right
direction, I'm more than happy to do the work of making it happen the
right way.) :)

> - what are the guarantees of peek's result (AFAIK 1 byte for the stream
>   layer if ungetc() is available) - what else?
> - don't other layers need adjustment if a new layer function is
>   added?

I'm assuming that these both are related to non-buffered input?  (If not,
then I'm not entirely certain what you mean...)

> - did you miss appending all the tests ;)

Ummm, most likely.   (And I'll have a patch to fix that shortly.)  :)

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