On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 04:35:46PM +0000, Harry Jackson wrote:
> [... ]

> Question:
> Since Dan has said that objects are nearly finished is there any point
> spending too much time working on this. Would our time be better spent
> helping to get objects finished pronto.

I think so. It's basically a (considerable) waste of time trying to come
up with ways around the current, and hopefully short term, limitations.

I had thought Parrot was a little further along than it seems to be.

Sadly I think it's best to consider the DBDI project shelved until
Parrot and IMCC get reasonably usable objects and method calls.

I *really* hope that can happen for the February release.

I'm CC'ing this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the hope that it'll
spur on development.


p.s. I just saw Leo quoting Dan as saying "The low-level object
design will be done by Jan 30th." so hopefully it won't be long now,
and hopefully IMCC won't be far behind.

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