Larry Wall writes:

> On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 08:51:33PM -0500, Joe Gottman wrote:
> : Great, so
> :     $x = foo(), bar();
> : means the same thing as
> :     $x = ( foo(), bar() );
> No, we haven't changed the relative precedence of assignment and
> comma.  I've been tempted to, but I always come back to liking the
> parens for visual psychological purposes.

But that does lead to propagating the myth that parens, rather than
commas, denote lists.

> Plus changing the precedence would break
>     loop $i = 0, $j = 0; $x[$i,$j]; $i++, $j++ { ... }

I think that matters less -- assigning lists is a much more common
operation that using a C-style C<for> loop, and is also something that's
a common source of errors with beginning Perl 5 programmers.  Most of
the C-style C<for> loops I see are unnecessary anyway:

  * The majority of them are iterating through array indices (which are
    then only used to look up elements in those arrays), something far
    more easily achived with a C<foreach> loop and letting Perl take
    care of the indices.

  * Many of the remainder are still iterating through consecutive
    integers, where C<for my $i (1 .. 10)> or whatever would much tidier
    than checking the boundary and increasing the iterator manually.

  * Even for situations which 'genuinely' need the C-style loop in Perl
    5 (such as looping through items in an array but also having the
    index number available) many of those in Perl 6 can use C<zip>.

So I think it's odd to optimize for convenience of a construct that has
so little use.

Especially when there are ways of writing that statement without any
commas in it:

  loop $i = $j = 0; $x[$i,$j]; do { $i++; $j++ } { ... }

While on the topic of C<loop> and parens, it hadn't occurred to me that
the former could now be written without the latter; I knew that C<for>,
C<if>, and C<while> could be, and now I look at it I can see that
C<loop> can be so-written unambiguously -- but having 'internal',
unbracketed, unquoted, unprotected semicolons scares me a little.

I'd feel more at ease if on seeing something like:

  loop $i = $j = 0;

I could be certain that that semicolon denoted the end of that
statement, without my having to know what C<loop> does.

Again, given how infrequently C<loop> is likely to be used, would
imposing such a rule be much of a hardship?  So a loop could look
something like:

  loop($i = $j = 0; $x[$i,$j]; do { $i++; $j++ }) { ... }

and it's blindingly obvious that the first semicolon couldn't possibly
be the end of the statement.


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