[I'm resending this because I think it was lost since I wasn't
subscribed from this address.  Apologies if it appears twice.]

We essentially have

Single-line         Block
===========         =====
{<<<}               {[[[}
{>>>}               {]]]}
{|||}               {III}
{'''}               {"""}

or 1 field indicator and 8 justifiers (that perform only 4
different justifications).

Why not something like

Single-line         Block
===========         =====
[<<<]               {<<<}
[>>>]               {>>>}
[|||]               {|||}
[''']               {'''}

which distinguishes the 2 main field types and gives us only the 4
justifiers we need?

I can appreciate the elegance and power of bracketing the fields even 
though it screws up one- and two-character fields.  And while it's nice
to be down from 3 metacharacters in Perl 5 formats to 1 it doesn't feel
quite worth it when every justification specifier must be doubled.

Having two sets of field delimiters means that if a new justifier is
added we need only come up with one character for it.  It also clearly
distinguishes the field type for two-character fields.  Neither of these
is a strong argument for changing the existing design but I'm wondering
why the first table above would be easier to learn/remember than the

Rick Delaney

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