Nick Kostirya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can one use (as mysql :-) ).

PTH is better then nothing, albeit it's lacking preemption.

> Can one use config/gen/platform/netbsd/thread.h ?

Yes. The configure system copies these file together, *if* they exist
for the platform. If not fallbacks in generic/ are used.

For 1.6 vs 2.0 you might need some additional work e.g. hack to select files from either


or common code in netbsd.

> Wiil have options to build with or with out  threads?

If threads are avaiable they are used. Not using threads buys us nothing
except less functionality. With threads compiled into Parrot doesn't
get slower (not like Perl5's 10%-30% speed penalty).

> And how can one detect that parrot has been built with threads from
> /t/pmc/threads.t?

Enable your platform in the list near the top of the file and run the
tests. If they succeed (and not all are skipped) all is fine.


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