I've run these 2 tests below.

Results don't look really good.
- Parrot consumes ever increasing memory, so it can't even run up to 100000
- its slow (unoptimized build for now - but that doesn't matter yet)
- Parrot is leaking a vtable per new class and worse per new instance
- I'm currently trying to avoid the vtable_clone for new objects with some success - I still have some test errors related to can or type.

Are these 2 programs somehow equivalent?


$ cat o1.pl
#! perl -w
use strict;

for my $i (1 .. 100000) {
        my $o = new Foo();
my $o = new Foo();
print $o->[0], "\n";

package Foo;

sub new {
    my $self = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
    return bless [ 10, 20 ], $self;

$ cat o1.pasm

    newclass P1, "Foo"
    find_global P2, "init"
    store_global "Foo", "__init", P2
    addattribute P1, ".i"
    addattribute P1, ".j"

    set I10, 0
    set I11, 20000
    find_type I1, "Foo"
    new P3, I1
    inc I10
    #sleep 0.0001
    lt I10, I11, loop

    find_type I1, "Foo"
    new P3, I1
    classoffset I0, P3, "Foo"
    getattribute P2, P3, I0
    print P2
    print "\n"

.pcc_sub init:
    classoffset I0, P2, "Foo"
    new P10, .PerlInt
    set P10, 10
    setattribute P2, I0, P10
    inc I0
    new P10, .PerlInt
    set P10, 20
    setattribute P2, I0, P10
    invoke P1

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