> On a platform with a halfway decent JIT, a pure-PASM implementation 
> could be as fast as an op-based one, given liberal use of the non-PMC 
> registers.  Maybe faster--no need to transcode to ASCII, extract a C 
> string, or hack around platform X's quirks.  And I'd imagine that the 
> Parrot standard library would be written to be as fast as possible.

ok, well cool. We'll see then.

> Besides, how fast does your date handling really need to be?  I mean, 
> *really*?  Are you formatting eleventy billion dates in a tight loop or 
> something?


Its a major issue/pain in database conversions, and in funnelling data 
from system to system - in my case, approximately 4 date conversions 
for each of 2.5 billion rows on different systems, some of them live production.  
Dates converted from one system standard oracle format to another oracle format.  
>From mysql to db2.  db2 to oracle.  Date comparisons between different formats.  
(and yes,  I have rolled 'my own' wrapper for handling this stuff. I use it 
both from perl and generated c to do the conversions. However, I'm sick of 
rolling my own stuff to 'supplement' what IMO should be native to perl itself.)

In any case, like I said, I don't have any problem with standard 
libraries handling this stuff; as long as whatever library is:

        a) reasonably fast - ie: within 20% of C
        b) just as robust as the standard system stuff
        c) has a reverse formatting function, going back to seconds from dates. 
        d) is standard - handles 95% of necessary date manipulations
        e) has a tight memory footprint.

I think its a waste to reimplement everything though. There is a 
LOT THERE in libc which could be leveraged. And it definitely would be a 
good idea for parrot to make dates almost as low level an item as 
strings,numbers, etc - ie: native datatypes or close to native.  A
formatting op which tied numbers to strings would do that quite nicely.


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